Doric Future work hard at promoting the Doric Culture where ever it can, our Doric TV episode shown on the 9th of July was of Fraserburgh singer Alan Reid (Thr Doric Min), our video went viral andwas picked up by the Press and Journal who ran this wonderful article on Alan’s work.

A north-east guidance teacher plans to release an album of original Doric songs after his video went viral.
Alan Reid, also known as Bundy, decided to write a song combining as many funny Doric words as he could to combat lockdown boredom.
The song, The Doric Min, was uploaded online and has had positive feedback from across the world.
Mr Reid, 36, admitted he wrote it “just for a laugh” but has now been inspired to write an album of Doric songs following its success.
Mr Reid said: ” It took around 10 minutes to write it, I didn’t expect the video to take off like it has.
“I’m currently looking to get funding for it but it’s my hope to release the album by the end of the year with seven or eight songs in Doric.”
The Doric Min Facebook video has been viewed beyond the north-east with with positive comments coming from viewers from as far away as Canada and Australia.
“I think people have responded so well to it because they’re happy to hear their own tongue, there’s a lot of people who immigrated away from the north-east,” Mr Reid added.
“I think it’s important to keep Doric going so it doesn’t die out, it’s starting to disappear so it’s something people like to encourage. It’s a really good, onomatopoeic language.”
The Mintlaw Academy teacher said it was important to keep the dialect alive due to links to farming and fishing, but said he also liked its Viking connections too.
He said: “It also says a lot about the Viking influence as settlers rather than raiders as a lot of the words come from Scandinavian.”
Mr Reid added: “This isn’t my first album but I’ve found it easier writing these songs in Doric, it seems to come more naturally to me. I remember being at school and I’d be given detention for slipping into Doric.”
The other songs for the album are inspired by stories from around the north-east. Mr Reid said: “One of the songs I’ve also written is about my great great great granda who helped a tourist with a false teeth malfunction.
“There’s loads of Doric material, as well as lots of other genres available on Fitlike Records, it was all done by one of my mates Charlie Buchan.”
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