Language and Culture
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Letter of support from Gillian Martin MSP
6th November 2021 Following our success earlier this year at the Doric Film Festival, we were delighted to receive this letter of support from Gillian Martin MSP. Join the Doric TV Community today We very much hope you will join our Doric TV...
Scotland’s little-known fourth “language”
https://www.bbc.com/travel/article/20210321-scotlands-little-known-fourth-language By Mike MacEacheran22nd March 2021 Doric, a little-known form of North East Scots, is undergoing a pandemic-inspired renaissance. “Slaverin, slubberin, gibberin, gabberin, roon...
The Doric Challenge – Evelyn Glennie
Featuring - Dame Evelyn Glennie, Cummine Fraser and Jill McWiiliam. Evelyn Glennie and Jill of Doric TV - send out a request for Doric Speakers to send in a short video of their favourite Doric Expression / story and the period of time recollected to...
Doric Books – Jackie Ross and Aaron Gale
Fin Aaron Gale (author/illustrator) an Jackie Ross (storyteller) got igither their imaginations gaed wild!
Optimism for the future of the Doric Dialect – Campbell Murray
Although a ‘Toon Loon’ I came from countra’ stock spending many of my holidays on farms at Westhill Murtle….
The Bard of Udny Green
I grew up in Buckie with an English mum and Scots dad, and consider myelf “bi-lingual”. As a student in St Andrews,
Div ye Like yer Doric TV
If you want to share what we do with others, this is a great wee video to motivate them to join our Doric TN Community
The Bothy Ballad Champion
I wis born and broucht up in Tornaveen in rural Aiberdeenshie, wi parents fae Buchan wi i doric aye being spoken and encourged tae use it. Nooadays I sing sangs that tell i stories o i North East and beyond in Doric and Scots, It a vital pairt o the culture and...
Debbie Leslie – Bittie aboot oor Doric dialect
Doric belangs te you an me: it’s in the quait o the countryside an the steer o the toons; it’s in the land, the sky an the sea; it’s in the wealth o culture an heritage; it's in the lives o oor ain folk, past an present, their sangs, stories, an their rich, expressive...
Jack Capener #Oorvyce
If ye care aboot oor #Scots leid an want tae see it gien the recogneition an promotion it deserves, jine the @OorVyce campaign!
It’s time tae mak oorvyce heard!
Doric Future have now joined forces with Oor Vyce.
John Bennett – Author, The Summer Crew
John grew up in Kingston-upon-Spey, the small village that sits to the west of the
mouth of the River Spey. He worked on an oar on the salmon nets in the late 1980s,
and then did a season as a grouse beater the summer after.
Antonia Uri – A younger view
My name is Antonia Uri, I am 23 years old and I was brought up in the countryside in-between Mintlaw and Longside. Preserving the Doric dialect is extremely important to me because it is a huge part of who I am, and is something that ties me to my home
Doric Future is pleased to present a collection Blog Articles that highlights the Language and Culture of the Scots language in general and the Doric Dialect in particular.
To view our Language / Culture collection click here.
Doric Future has many connections with musicians, poets and performers from all around the North East of Scotland, as well as further afield, our links with the talented members and visitors of the Cruden Bay folk Club has enabled Jill to compile a wide variety of musical content which is featured in the Doric TV playlists. These Blogs help all have a musical connection which we hope you enjoy.
To view our Music collection click here.
Since launching the Doric Future Blog back in 2019 we have been delighted to include Blog Posts from a wide variety of people from every corner of the world. In this general section, you can see contributions from ordinary folk who have something to say about what Doric means to them.
To view our People / Culture collection click here.
RGU Students
In the spring of 2021 Doric Future was delighted to welcome its first-ever student placements from RGU, Ewan and Ellie contributed greatly to our website during there placement and you can read in this collection some of the great work they produced for Doric Future.
To view our RGU Student collection click here.
Walking / Wellbeing
Jill has always found peace and comfort from walking in the countryside, in this collection you will find several of her accounts as well as submissions from others on the same subject.
To view our Walking / Wellbeing collection click here.