Jill’s Lockdown Video’s
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During the Coronavirus Lockdowns of 2020 I found comfort in walking the wide open spaces around my home village of Cruden Bay, below are a selection of videos made during these difficult times, and a few of the much appreciated comments from readers who found someting for them there also.
Jill Cantlay McWilliam
Doric TV – Feedback on Jill’s Lockdown Diaries
I just wanted to congratulate you on your videos during Lock Down they were very interesting and I feel you have made….
Doric TV – Spotlight on Jill’s Lockdown diaries
Since the initial lock down of 2020, a new strain of covid has forced people back into a lockdown in December .
Press Release – Buchan Observer 7th Nov 2020
This news article highlights Jill’s selection as a finalist in the 2020 annual BWS Award Ceremony. On the 6th November
Press Release – STV News 22nd June 2020
Jill’s lockdown video collection cover so much of what’s best about accessing the ‘great out doors’ of Scotland.
Doric TV – Spotlight on The Love Of Scotland
The Love Of Scotland A photographic and video snap shot of Scotland. Depicting some very well known and not so well..
Press Release – Buchan Observer article 4th June 2020
Beating the lockdown blues with creativity and the Buchan coast
These historical yet catastrophic times…
Press Release – P & J article 4th June 2020
Jill McWilliam wants to keep Doric alive.. Copyright: Steve CramphornWhen Jill McWilliam’s life “slowed to a canny pace”
Doric TV – Jill’s Lockdown Doorstep Diary
This short film takes in the stunning coastal scenery of the North East of Scotland – wildlife, nature, creativity and…
Doric TV – Spotlight on Jill’s Farming Days and Culture
Describing my Doric/Buchan Roots, and exploring the beautiful Buchan coastline on North East coast of Scotland….
Doric TV – Working with Visit Aberdeen
Working with Visit Aberdeen Isn’t it great when you find yourself pulling in the same direction as others?
Doric TV – Coronavirus Lockdown, a reflection
At a time when the world is reeling from the impact of Corona Virus and the devastation it has caused for so many….