People and Culture
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Angus McCurrach – Doric Matters
They say that language reflects a society’s culture, its’ way of life and its’ environment. If any of these changes, as they undoubtedly will over time, then a language will adapt and evolve. I use evolution in this context, because words and phrases are subject to the same…
Rob Watt – Does anyone remember my Father?
Does anyone remember my Father Bob Watt . Over many years he published Doric Poetry in the Press and Journal and a couple of books , The Ghillie Loon and the Mannie’s Hat . Dad also had a regular spot on Radio Aberdeen and Radio Scotland called “In the country”
Margaret Stebbing – Love your work Jill
I have been following your videos and interviews for some time now, and I just want to add my support to your work in keeping Doric traditions and language alive. I think the way you have responded to the challenges of living through this pandemic is helpful to us all ……
Henry Chapman – Doric culture…keeping it alive
Fan ma Futher deet, it garred ma greet.
Bit am nae a bairn,…will a niver lairn?
Nuh, ah canna help it, it’s the wye I am, in it aye gaits wurss fin a hae a dram.
Ach it winna change, ers fowk worse aff; ..but ah canna help it, a suppoze am daft?
The Therapeutic Value of Coastline, by David Brown
I was once asked where my favourite place was, ‘outside’ I quipped but a moment’s reflection led me to qualify it; ‘in nature’. Cities, completely man made, assault the senses with artificially loud noises, a barrage of entirely human concerns….
David Brown, Aberdeenshire Country side Ranger Service
Yesterday I would have been taking a guided short walk from Port Erroll, up Ward Hill, or Goats Hillock as it is also known, and on to New Slains Castle and back. Instead I’m posting a few photos of the area. Between 1959 and 1991…
Jim Taylor’s Farming Family Timeline
At the period of Lock Down 2020, I was unable to personally make visits to interview folk on their life history.
During this time Mr. Jim Taylor and his daughter Joyce pieced together the history of his farming days for Doric Future.
Jill’s work at Slains School
By Conor Meeham, teacher, Slains School
Thank you for taking the time to come in and speak with the students. I hope you also enjoyed being at the front of the class.
Jill’s Doric back story
Ceator of Doric Future.
Three main reasons I started to draw on my own Doric Roots.
I felt my own stories and experiences of being born and brought up on a N.E. Farm were going further and further from my mind.
Alan Hay – Does Doric Matter?
How often nowadays do you hear a Doric phrase uttered in the streets of Aberdeen, or in any of the bigger towns of North East Scotland?
Perhaps it’s inevitable in the cosmopolitan, international city Aberdeen has become over the last 40 years
Denis Shepherd
I play moothie (mouth-organ) and diddle; I sing popular Scottish and Doric songs including own compositions; I recite my own Doric poem; I do some ceilidh dance calling; I talk about the Box & Fiddle magazine; and I describe another way in which I carry on the country tradition.
Bob Knight – The Doric
(written especially for Doric Future)
What does the North East doric mean to me?” To be honest I’ve never thought of it in that way, and there’s your greatest clue. Having been brought up speaking it, I don’t have to think about it, I don’t have to think about it!
Hamish Kemp – Doric Doon Under
I would like to introduce you to Our Doric Man, From “Down Under”!
This lovely Australian man originally from Crathie, Aberdeenshire, contacted me when he started to watch some of my videos from Aberdeenshire on you tube.
Antonia Uri – A younger view
My name is Antonia Uri, I am 23 years old and I was brought up in the countryside in-between Mintlaw and Longside. Preserving the Doric dialect is extremely important to me because it is a huge part of who I am, and is something that ties me to my home
What is Doric? by Allan Thomson
(written especially for Doric Future)
DORIC Fit is “Doric”? Doric is the wye north-East folk spik. I suppose ye wid ca’ it an accent or a dialect. Fin I wis a loon, I didna’ ken that I spoke Doric or hid an accent. Ye see, the wye I spoke wis learnt at my midder’s…
Bessie Cordiner Wilkins
The importance of videoing oral history to document not only how the Doric language is spoken, but also on how we look. There are certain features that mark a Doric face, shaped possibly by the environment we are brought up in.
Bessie has a great history.
Doric Future is pleased to present a collection Blog Articles that highlights the Language and Culture of the Scots language in general and the Doric Dialect in particular.
To view our Language / Culture collection click here.
Doric Future has many connections with musicians, poets and performers from all around the North East of Scotland, as well as further afield, our links with the talented members and visitors of the Cruden Bay folk Club has enabled Jill to compile a wide variety of musical content which is featured in the Doric TV playlists. These Blogs help all have a musical connection which we hope you enjoy.
To view our Music collection click here.
Since launching the Doric Future Blog back in 2019 we have been delighted to include Blog Posts from a wide variety of people from every corner of the world. In this general section, you can see contributions from ordinary folk who have something to say about what Doric means to them.
To view our People / Culture collection click here.
RGU Students
In the spring of 2021 Doric Future was delighted to welcome its first-ever student placements from RGU, Ewan and Ellie contributed greatly to our website during there placement and you can read in this collection some of the great work they produced for Doric Future.
To view our RGU Student collection click here.
Walking / Wellbeing
Jill has always found peace and comfort from walking in the countryside, in this collection you will find several of her accounts as well as submissions from others on the same subject.
To view our Walking / Wellbeing collection click here.