Fit folk say

In this section visitors clype fit they think aboot Doric Future and the Doric language.

Picture: Caroline Purday

I had the privilege of interviewing  Dame Evelyn Glennie for Doric TV recently in the coming weeks when it will be feature in our Doric TV section, so watch out for this one, it’s a belter! Coming from the same farming background in Aberdeenshire as myself , I was delighted to hear her thoughts on our precious Doric dialect and culture.

Evelyn has written the following for Doric Future.


As the world becomes ever more generic, indigenous and minority languages, dialects and cultures struggle to survive. Language is built on not only what is spoken but what is unspoken; the richness of the social structure, climate, landscape, industry and many other aspects form the words we speak and more importantly how they are communicated. As a Doric speaker myself and a native of the North-East I feel privileged and unique; it is an important life line to my homeland and to all those who live in the North-East. It is also a fascination to the many people I meet during my global travels. Education at primary school level is key to the survival, understanding and continued interest in Doric and Doric culture. I feel honoured to have had this richness in my early education through speaking, reading, writing and  poetry reciting, all of which seamlessly transferred to the family environment. Even having lived in England for over half my life, there is not a day that goes by whereby I’m not speaking Doric at some point – even if jist tae mesel!

Dame Evelyn Glennie, Scottish virtuoso multi-percussionist

Doric Matters! 

This is why Doric matters. It has as much right to thrive in the global soup of language as any other. Because it has evolved over centuries to reflect a way of life rooted in the soil, washed by the sea and shaped by ordinary folk. It has been altered by battles, invaders, traders, new friends and old traditions. It is in itself an old tradition portrayed through bothy ballads and through the ordinary lunes and quines that keep speaking it.  

Angus McCurrach MSc. (Psych.) BSc. (Psych) Dip.(Soc.Sc.) Cert.(Couns.) MBpS

Director, Buchan Counselling

I have taken an interest in ‘why doric matters‘  after seeing some very interesting videos  from Jill.   The new information I have gained about places of interest that are local to me has defiantly been insightful.    The effort and enthusiasm I see from Jill also makes me keen to spread the word and I believe in the importance of documenting these things for future generations . It would be sad if future generations don’t get the questions they may want answered due to lack of documentation.

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James Craig Ross

Tradesperson Peterhead

I just wanted to congratulate you on your videos during Lock Down they were very interesting and I feel you have made History for this and future generations to come. Being a Buchan Quine too, you have taught me a few things and reminded me of many others. Well done and thank you. I hope you keep up the good work, your a true inspiration, what a great way to spend time and to be able to share with others who just can’t journey out at this time, much appreciated.

Sandra Paterson

Aberdeen Life Coaching

Feedback on Jill’s Doric TV

I am amazed at your new Doric TV. Your passion for the Doric is infectious which inspires those you have interviewed. Well done seems such a small phrase as you have obviously taken the spoken word into the 21 century with the recordings you have made and raising awareness and affection for the Doric.

I am delighted you have realised your ambition of promoting the Doric and in such an accessible and interesting way. 

Alison Burgess

Team Leader – Local Studies and Archives Development


Dumfries and Galloway Council

Ewart Customer Service Centre

Catherine Street,


Haud gaun quine yer dee’in a gran job ! At’s me subscribed ti yer youtube channel noo so seen be watchin doric tv instead aa the ither rubbish . Love Sandy😘

Sandy Ewen

Love hearing the Doric. I am from Aberdeen. Emigrated in 1950 at age 12 but have been back countless times since. When I was going to school, Doric was not only frowned upon, but we had ENGLISH elocution teachers to help drum it out of us!

I now live in Chester, New Jersey, USA- A lovely small town with horse farms, apple and peach orchards, corn fields.

Elizabeth Bannerman Busciglio

Love the language don’t want to lose it although rarely spoken today but fully understood.

Kathleen Beattie

My mother spoke doric, my heart melts when I hear it 😊

Melanie Paterson

Wow. So nice. We were supposed to be visiting from the States right now, so this is just such a nice thing to find to hold me over until next summer. As an artist, I love being able to visit and see what others are doing. You’ve inspired me to go and paint this week while I wait for next weeks episode. Beautiful job. Thanks.

Caroline Calhoun

Thank you, Jill. I enjoy your videos so much. It was lovely to meet George and Mandy. They seem very talented. (btw your eyes look like my Auntie’s

Cathy Griffith

Jill you’re making me want to go exploring with my camera! Hopefully won’t have to wait too long now 🤞🏻😘

Brenda Sharpe

A great investment of your COVID restricted time Jill. Ye Ken, I’ve yet to explore the coast atween Finnyfall & Auld Slains Castle, ha’in travelled the road as much as I did!

Eddie Heron

Thanks for that amazing country we live in and we dont even know whats in our doorstep. Amazing scenery and well commentated. Ill tune in next week.

Sharron Forsyth

Feedback on Ali Reid – the Doric Min

Can see the singer’s passions of Doric culture through his songs.I like the first song most, but sums up the characters of Doric, it is very interesting to a non Doric speaker like me.
Alice Chong

Top Notch fae ‘Doric Min Alan ‘ere noo! Great voice, conveying his fluent doric with his most pleasant manner. He clearly has the well justified confidence of a regular performer – ACE!
Eddie Heron

Love it. The Doric Min is a beezer!
Lianne Robertson

The Doric min can play.
Joey Kalloo

Love Alan’s Doric song.
Les Cantlay

Love listening to this lad.
Elizabeth Casey

Fantastic! I quite appreciated Alan’s comments on how our current circumstance has caused families to spend more time connecting and bringing the music home. He is correct…family is most important and valuable.
Larry Lorraine Forsyth

Feedback on Allan Taylor- the Both Ballad King

Aww, what a lovely man! His songs resonate with me as well, here in the US. We all worry about the future . . for our kids and grand kids. Alan’s songs apply to us all, I believe. I’m very proud of myself, that I understood about 90% of all he said. Love your language and learning more about Scotland, the Scottish people, and your beloved Aberdeenshire.
Susie Carruth

Aye min, as ye say Jill, it wid near gar ye greet! Outstanding presentation ‘ere Allan – could easily be an auld 78 on granda’s gramophone. 
Eddie Heron

Feedback on Jill’s Lockdown Video’s

As an American who has visited ‘Bonnie Scotland’ once.   Jill’s videos bring so much more to light for me!  The scenery in North East Scotland is breathtaking and the history and cultural information she passes on is fascinating.   It’s like having a personal tour guide, but you get the added experience of having and learning more about the Doric culture as well.  Jills personality and warmth really represents what we visitors enjoy in meeting Scots themselves.

I loved it Jill! It truly is the best Scotland tour video I’ve ever seen! Not just your best, but of any I’ve seen on youtube or other outlets. You really take the viewer all over Scotland. There are so many beautiful places I haven’t seen. You did a great job on this one. The tourism companies there should thank you for making this video as it would make anyone want to visit! You’ve created a beautiful introduction to Scotland.

Susie Carruth, Everett, Washington State, USA


Well done, Jill, I am sure this was not an easy video to make. I am sure that sharing your situation will give hope to people who watch this video and, as you say, shine a guiding light at the end of the dark tunnel you describe. You are a great advocate for your native Buchan and for showing folks the wild rugged and remarkable scenery of mountain, land, coast and sea which has inspired you to provide inspiration for others.

Les Cantlay


Very life-affirming Jill! Well done for inspiring others to feel better through nature. 👌👏🏼🤗

Su Orosa  (Personal Growth Hub)


Watching this from NZ reminded me how beautiful my hame is. Many generations of my family worked at the quarry. I enjoyed recognising familiar places & hearing the dialect. Brought a wee tear tae ma ee. Thanks. 😀

Pat Urwin


I also live in  NZ  ( Feilding)  grew up in Cruden  Bay  and several of my ancestors  worked at  the  quarry    too. Loving Jill McWilliam’s videos. Very nostalgic.

Cathy Clark


Well done Jill. We don’t appreciate what is on our doorstep. X

Lorraine Ross


Thank you Jill for the fantastic video, gorgeous scenery right on our doorstep.

Christine Goodwin


Great film Jill, its such a great walk, ever changing views 😁

Your an inspiration, without suffering there no story to tell. The early chapters in life are often written and may shape us, but not define our whole lives, you are living proof. Keep doing what your doing even in days when your down. You have poetic soul.

Hamish McNaughton

Note from Jill – The beauty of this website is how connections are being made from near and far.

Hamish and I were in Port Erroll school together, he sent me this image.


Jill’s videos are attracting attention.    She comes over as ‘wairm hairted’ and a joy to watch,  her adventurous spirit typified with interviews of the elderly speaking in Doric and walkabouts of the wild and inspirational coastline, where her technique and use of the camera has brought many bright eyes to share its history and magnificence.

From Fraserburgh via Peterhead and Boddam to Cruden Bay, Collieston and beyond those videos will inspire.  If you can’t understand  Doric,  not in fashion these days, Jill is trying hard to revive the beautiful brogue, you will be captured by her verve and charisma.

Ewen Carmichael (Writer), Edinburgh

Feedback on The Slains Castle Story – by Allan Hay

Fantastic video. One of my favourite places to visit ever since a youngster and first knowing of the building. I first learned about the Bram Stoker connection from visiting the Museum at Marishall College. It was also very interesting to see the interior photos but to learn so much about the various rooms. Many thanks for the time and effort you have put into this video and the others showing the castle and surrounding area.


Absoulty loved watching this and learning so much about slains castle, a place where I grew up near and was my local playground, I’ve always wondered what the rooms were and what they were used for and amazed at actually seeing pictures of what it looked like. there are other building on the land I always wondered what they were for maybe someday I will get my answer.

Thain Flett

Superb detailed historical account of original and new Slains Castles.

Eddie Heron

Jill , you are so driven and talented and have made something so valuable to history. A huge well done!

Kay Hallett

Started in Buchanhaven in Peterheid a lang time ago noo.  Great to see Cruden Bay too.  Back in the day would get the bus at the wikend during the holidays and go on the wee railway then up to Slains.

Sometimes, it is the simple things that keep us going during our trials.

Robert Duncan

As loon who started at Port Errol scheule your videos are great.

Tom Nangle

Just watched your latest video and I liked it very much stunning scenery and a exceptional watch.

David Mcghee

WOW…a wonderful place of inspiracion…of course Scotland!!! thank you and greetings from Brasil!

Denise Aidar

I watched some of your videos, good quality.

Thank you Jill – very well done and very professional.  Thank goodness there is someone like you with the ability to record and preserve our Doric culture so that others may see, hear snd share it.
I wis juist thinkin, fin I wis at Cruden Kirk earlier iss ‘ear an’ met Betty Morris, at the same time I met a Mr Cantlay that wis a fairmer.  I canna min’ ‘es first name.  Wid he be a freen’ o’ yours?
Best wishes
Ps it’s affa hard tae type Doric on an ipad. The bluiddy thing aye wunts tae change the spellin!

Allan Thomson

I think it’s majeek this!! Niver in a month ‘o’ Sundays I’d Iver think eh doric wid fade awa.. Berns these days are implaminting a hullik o American accents and we need ti save eh lingo.. I brainwash my berns inti spiking richt at hame! Coz eh school correct the doric tounge, fich I think is outrageous… Gweed on ye Jill… Prood moment 💯💯💯💯❤️ 
Gav Donovan

The reason the Doric isn’t spoken so much is you’ve Got so many different languages spoken and if people didn’t try and speak English nobody would understand one another. Never be ashamed of the way you speak originally and be proud of it 
Alex Kelman

I’m from Macduff but have been living in Spain for the past 26 years. I married a Spaniard and we have 2 children who speak 4 languages including Doric. Keep it alive!! 
Roseanne Duncan

I am a member o’a group caed My Heart Will Always Be In Scotland Group”.Maybe yea can pull some members our tay year group 
Hamish Kemp

 I live in Australia a my grandkids understand me even the dogs when I say are yi gan oot . 
Nancy Anderson Stewart

Been urging is for a lang time noo!! Berns nooadays dina Ken fit on earth we’re spiking! Bit fir yeers av swung in doric inti there hame schooling!! 
Gav Donovan

Motor biking Scotland video

Wonderful interview with Chas there Jill. He looks and behaves not unlike biker mate o’ mine Alex. They’re clearly both ‘feet forward’ cruise bike riders, in contrast to me being a ‘feet back’ sports biker 😂 But the point here is ‘biker spirit’ and community involvement, these guys having evolved into an International icon.

Eddie Heron

Hi Jill,

Here is a wee bit about me and my thoughts on Doric!

My name is Antonia Uri, I am 23 years old and I was brought up in the countryside in-between Mintlaw and Longside. Preserving the Doric dialect is extremely important to me because it is a huge part of who I am, and is something that ties me to my home no matter where in the world I am. Speaking Doric is something which makes me feel comfortable, and which connects me with my family. For that reason, I wish to be able to speak Doric for the rest of my life. But, I worry that in years to come it won’t be so prevalent, and dread the thought of Doric dying out.

Growing up, I was made to speak ‘proper’ English at school, but as soon as I got home my Mam would tell me “yer at hame noo, an at hame ye spik Doric”. I will be eternally grateful to my Mam for instilling the significance of Doric in me. In the North East most people are extremely lucky to be brought up to be bilingual or bidialectal (depending on your opinions on Scots), and that needs to be appreciated more.

Anyone who knows me knows that speaking Doric is something which I am extremely proud of, and I will teach others Doric words at any opportunity. I believe that it played a role in my interest in languages, resulting in me obtaining a degree in French and Spanish, and working as an English teacher in Spain and France, whilst also teaching students about North East culture and dialect. In fact, whilst living abroad, what I missed most about home was having people to speak Doric to. I used to savour every FaceTime call with my Mam and Grandma during which I could ‘spik normal’.

I also adore writing in Doric. I write a column in Doric for The National each month, often discussing topics related to issues ongoing in the North East. Previously I have also written articles in Doric for Bella Caledonia and Mak Forrit, as well as writing Doric poems which featured in The Darg and Lallans. I hope to one day write a book in Doric.

Antonia Uri

Lived in england for 53 years , still laugh at visitors faces when my sister rings me and we are off, can only express myself in Doric 
Joan Lumb

I look forward to the videos. It should be a fun learning experience. 
Sylvia Nascimben

Something I hear and say regularly when I call my mum from America 
Timber Bearb

I love the Doric language! What a learning curve it was when we moved to a Peterhead from the South of England a few years ago 
Geoff Hunt

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