Dr Joanna Kopaczyk, Senior Lecturer in Scots and English (English Language & Linguistics) Glasgow University, and Jack...
Gordon Mackay is usually behind the scenes looking after the Doric TV website, Gordon is also a big fan of…
A great supporter of Doric TV, a couple of tunes from Daryl Short to help celebrate Burn's night 2021.
Doric TV interviews Harry and Helen Brown of Auchmaliddie Farm, near Maud in Aberdeenshire. This video portrays.........
A wonderful collaboration from opposite sides if the world. Words written by Doric Future regular David Wilkie.......
Paul Hourston is making a bit of a name for himself spreading the Doric word with Tik Tok!
I am a Graphic Designer who takes inspiration from the Doric spoken in North East Scotland. I have been fascinated…
The unique sound of three very talented lads, Angus McCurrrach on the drums, Iain McFadden (skirlie) on the....